CrAcK – Italy

I’m co-leading CrAcK, a one-month exchange project with the Middle East organized by In_Ocula, a contemporary theatre company based in Faenza.

The project started on the 15th September when two artists from Beirut (Rabee Kiwan, painter and Ayman Nahle, video maker) arrived in Faenza to work with us on a live multimedia performance.

My role in it is to design the sound of the performance and to find ways of interaction across the different media involved.

This Saturday, 5th October, the results of the first three weeks of work will debut at MIC –  Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza with two shows, at 19.00 and 20.00.

Following that, In_Ocula will hold workshops for the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and perform CrAcK once again there.

Check CrAcK’s FB page

CrAcK italy front web

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