Federico Visi (he/they) is a researcher, composer and performer based in Berlin, Germany. He carried out his doctoral research on instrumental music and body movement at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR), University of Plymouth, UK. He currently teaches and carries out research on embodiment in network music performance and interactive machine learning at Universität der Künste Berlin and at Luleå University of Technology, where is part of the “GEMM))) Gesture Embodiment and Machines in Music” research cluster.
In 2022-2023 he co-led the artistic research project Interwoven Sound Spaces. The project brought together telematic music performance, interactive textiles, and interaction design. It culminated with a networked concert in which two contemporary music ensembles performed together from two concert halls 2000 Km apart: Konzertsaal der UdK in Berlin, Germany, and Studio Acusticum in Piteå, Sweden.
Under the moniker AQAXA, they released an EP in which they combine conventional electronic music production techniques with the exploration of personal sonic memories by means of body movement and machine learning algorithms.
In 2019 he was a music co-chair of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) and he is a reviewer for several academic journals and conferences.
A shared concern of his research and artistic projects is the interplay between human and artificial agencies and its influence on collective and individual behaviours.