I finally put my hands on the physical copy of the Computer Music Journal issue on Human-AI Cocreativity that includes our open-access article An End-to-End Musical Instrument System That Translates Electromyogram Biosignals to Synthesized Sound.

There we report on our work on an instrument that translates the electrical activity produced by muscles into synthesised sound. The article also describes our collaboration with the Chicks on Speed on the performance piece Noise Bodies (2019), which was part of the Up to and Including Limits: After Carolee Schneemann exhibition at Muzeum Susch.
I co-authored the article with Atau Tanaka, Balandino Di Donato, Martin Klang, and Michael Zbyszyński, here is the abstract:
This article presents a custom system combining hardware and software that senses physiological signals of the performer’s body resulting from muscle contraction and translates them to computer-synthesized sound. Our goal was to build upon the history of research in the field to develop a complete, integrated system that could be used by nonspecialist musicians. We describe the Embodied AudioVisual Interaction Electromyogram, an end-to-end system spanning wearable sensing on the musician’s body, custom microcontroller-based biosignal acquisition hardware, machine learning–based gesture-to-sound mapping middleware, and software-based granular synthesis sound output. A novel hardware design digitizes the electromyogram signals from the muscle with minimal analog preprocessing and treats it in an audio signal-processing chain as a class-compliant audio and wireless MIDI interface. The mapping layer implements an interactive machine learning workflow in a reinforcement learning configuration and can map gesture features to auditory metadata in a multidimensional information space. The system adapts existing machine learning and synthesis modules to work with the hardware, resulting in an integrated, end-to-end system. We explore its potential as a digital musical instrument through a series of public presentations and concert performances by a range of musical practitioners.