Presentation at CIM 14 Conference of Interdisciplinary Musicology, Berlin, DE

This week I’ll be in Berlin attending CIM 14, the 9th Conference of Interdisciplinary Musicology. 
I’ll be presenting a new scientific paper about new developments of Unfolding | Clusters, a music and visual media installation about ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

Unfolding | Clusters was made in collaboration with Duncan Williams and Giovanni Dothel. It was first presented at the UCLA Art|Sci Center in Los Angeles in June 2014  and will be presented at the Pensinsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival in Plymouth in February 2015.

My presentation is scheduled for Saturday 6 December at 14.30 in the Curt-Sachs-Saal at the Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung. The paper can be downloaded here.

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